As Time Fly's By..

Mini Clip

Monday, December 11, 2006

Great Weekend

I spent time with my mom this weekend doing a little Christmas shopping and had a great time and my wife was in a Christmas concert put on by a couple of local churches (including ours) and I was impress with the music as well as the turn out. It was quite a crowd, then we went out to dinner with mom to visit some more. I don't get to see her much even though she live 30 miles away, she is always involved with one activity or another so she is never home so that is why I really enjoyed this weekend. Monday is not looking real exciting yet but the day ain't over yet. I'm looking at a few blog business opportunities and my future blogs will be talking about them in more detail but I want to do more research into them so I can give you the full details, plus I want to make sure that they are on the up and up. This weekend I didn't make that many sales but I believe that is because people were Christmas shopping so I imagine sales will be low over the next couple of weeks, but who knows I see I have another e-mail to look at so it could turn out to be busier than I thought. Well I better go


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